digital jaw tracking devices for mandibular movements - jaw tracking with trajectories

The Advancements in Jaw Tracking Technology: Zebris JMA Optic

With the advent of digital dentistry, the possibilities for dental professionals to maximize patient care and satisfaction have increased significantly. One of the most important developments in this field is the emergence of digital jaw tracking devices, which allow dental professionals to accurately track and analyze the motion of the jaw in real-time. Jaw tracking devices have been around for several years now, but they were still evolving. The latest generation offers new features that allow us to take advantage of their capabilities in new ways.

One of the most advanced and reliable products in this field is the zebris JMA optic. In this article, we will explore the features, benefits, and applications of the zebris JMA Optic, and discuss how it can be used to maximize the potential of digital dentistry.


Maximizing Accuracy and Efficiency in Dental Practice with Zebris JMA Optic

JMA-Optic digital occlusion System developed by “German Zebris Company” is a cutting-edge Digital jaw tracking systems with advanced motion tracking technology, which can detect even the smallest movements and adjust the imaging accordingly. This ensures that the images produced are of the highest quality & accuracy, which can help dentists to make more accurate diagnoses and provide better patient outcomes.

Zebris Company is located in amazing natural view in Isny City in Germany.
Company had big history in manufacturing Veterenary, Medical & Dental Devices 

The JMA Optic-system expands the proven and especially practical zebris JMA-systems with latest-generation optical sensor technology,and thus opens up new dimensions of functional dentistrywith higher level accuracy in recording motion than Ultra-Sonic Old Versions

Revolutionizing Dentistry: Discover the Power of the Zebris JMA Optic Jaw Tracking System

The zebris JMA Optic jaw tracking system is composed mainly of both Hardware device & Software 

Hardware device composed of an optical device with cameras attached to patient head which captures 3D images of the jaw through sensor and transmits them to the software program.

The hardware device had two types 
1-Completely wireless system where no cable connection is need to connect with the your PC/Laptop
2-Wired Connection system where you need to connect the hardware Optical System with your Pc/Laptoop via USB 3

The main Zebris JMA optic system comes with :-

-JMA-Optic Face bow (receiver) “Electronic face bow”
– compact & lightweight sensor “transmitter
– C-bow positioner with pointer
– Different trays for maxilla position record & mandibular dynamic record
-Jigs/Attachments for records on increased VDO
– Carry case

& these are the available extra options “upon request”
– Table stand / inductive charger
– Foot switch / hand switch (cordless)

Although Zebris consider them as extra options, based on my personal experience, I do highly recommend getting Table stand & Foot switch for the following reasons :-

Table stand ..allowed me to move the system between different rooms safely plus ,,It allowed me to put my laptop specially that I ordered the Wired System not Wireless one. 
Foot Control .. This is something I really fall in love on it ! ..It allows you to just take the record or even click “next” on the Software through foot pressing on it .. No need to touch the pc while your wear your gloves so your infection control system is still safe ! 

The other amazing reason why I did love it, that I felt it converted my system to wireless one without need to pay extra thousands of euros on the wireless . The Only attachment wire for me now is between the Optical JMA Optic & your laptop. Although,this may not be enough for dentists crazy with wireless connections . That is why you need to decide & try by yourself before purchasing cause the wired version & wireless one are totally different devices where upgrading will not be an option if you do need to change 

JMA optic Software is called  WINJAW+ where it comes with these modules:-
-articulator module with data export
-function module
-jaw relation module 

However Zebris Right now released amazing extra modules where we will talk about them in details in other articles :-
-Digital Occlusion 
-CMD fact Interactor
-Cerec Articulator

Zebris JMA Optic Jaw Tracking Device: Accurately tracks jaw movement in real-time for improved patient diagnosis and treatment

Functional principle of JMA-Optic system

jaw movement device_jma optic_zebris
The JMA-Optic is based on the technology of stereoscopy (optical triangulation).
This technology principle is implemented by means of two cameras integrated in the Face Bow (receiving and control
unit) at a defined distance and angle.
The cameras record a pattern of infrared LED’s which are
integrated within the battery driven Lower Jaw Sensor (transmitting unit).
When the Lower Jaw Sensor is moved, the cameras register a slightly distorted picture of the Lower Jaw Sensor’s LED pattern.
These distortions are used to calculate the coordinates of the Lower Jaw Sensor in 3-dimensional space.
The coordinates are transferred to a connected computer in a constant
stream via either WiFi or USB interface. The application software on the computer carries out all further calculations as well as elimination of transients

Is it User-Friendly Jaw tracking system?

One of Biggest fear for dental clinics or dentists who want to incorporate jaw tracking systems in their daily clinical cases is their thoughts of need of complicated application lengthy process of hardware & Software which makes integration with daily cases wasting alot of chairside time or not relaxing patient experience . Other dentists got afraid of the need for long time training curve to be able to apply the jaw tracking system or even be able to train his assistant to apply the records. 

Well , From above all these fears  .. You will find out that Zebris Company via its JMA Optic System solved all of it .. One of the most strength points in JMA – Optic jaw tracking system is the ease of use with very simple straightfoward workflow & high harmonical integration between its hardware & Software .The device is simple to set up and operate.
The smart idea of Adding Foot Control for wireless pressing to get your records made the process very user friendly& guess what ?!
You & your team only need less than one day of training to get the basic know-how of the process & how to transfer dynamic records to your dental laboratory 

Why Dentists do need JMA Optic Jaw Tracking System by Zebris  in their Digital Workflow in 2023 ?

Well .. That is the exact question that alot of dentists worldwide keep asking it in different ways .Moreover, you can get it in much offensive way :-

Why should I invest time & money in a system which will complicate the process while Iam already applying digital workflow ?!

Honestly speaking, if we have to answer this question .. we have to dig a bit on the digital dentistry workflow..I will try to summerize them on points :-

1-In Fully Digitalized Workflow, we have to admit that we still need either facebow, facelyzer or dento-facial analyzer to get us the correct occlusal plane angulation in relation to patient skull . This will ensure that in full mouth re-hab cases we do design our waxing up in relation to  frakfort/aesthetic plane.The Analogical-Digital Integration which represent Extra-oral scanning of Analogical Articulators represent adding more steps & possibility of alot of errors from mounting,scanning or need for articulator transfer plate.

2-Although sending digital scanning files from Intra-oral scanners “ply -obj”  files ” with digital bite buccal bite scan to your lab .. seem complementary & fully digitalized 
, the fact it is not  ! 

simply because , you send the patient digital files in static bite position either on Maximum Inter-Cuspation “MIP” or Centric Relation “CR” while the digital dental designer in this daily scenario still miss alot of data regarding patient dynamic movement
(Protrusive – Lateral -Lateral Protrusive)
which he will have to provide Dental Cad Software he designs on it 
“exocad – 3shape – Cerec” with Arbitrary measurements which may not be matching with patient real movements

3-There is highly important missed concept during treatment of full mouth rehabilitation cases or even when designing anterior Cosmetic Veneers which is Envelope of Motion

occlusion - envelope of motion


Posselt's envelope of motion or Posselt's envelope of movement refers to the range of motion of the lower jaw bone, or mandible. This envelope was first described by Ulf Posselt in 1952. It is a diagrammatic representation of a sagittal view of maximum mandibular movement

What is the added benfits will Zebris -JMA optic Provide me ?

1-Get you Ideal Maxillary Inclination & Occlusal Plane Record in relation to Hinge axis – Arbitary Plane or Camper Plane

2-Get You the dynamic movement of mandible-Full Range of Movement

3-Analyze Condylar Path & Movement which lead to Diagnosis of TMJ  Pathosis

What is the Cases most indicated for Zebris Device ?

1-Full Mouth Rehab Cases with / without Bite Raising
2-Implant Planning & Designing Suprastructure above implant
3-Orthodontic Cases
4-TMJ Cases

Do I still need Analogical Articulators or shift to fully digital ?

jaw motion_exocad_jma optic_dr haitham sharshar_digitaldentistryschoologyThere is Three Protocols for Digital Dental Occlusion Workfow
1-Integrate Zebris Data with Analogical Articulator 
2-Transfer Zebris Data with Virtual Articulator module in exocad
3-Integrate Zebris Data Movement fully with jaw motion module in exocad

we will have soon detailed article representing different integration protocols

Zebris is the most fully integrated system with exocad Some Important Points
1-Condylar movement measurement & jaw tracking devices are old concept that have been updated with research & technology upgrade

2-Zebris Jaw Motion is a Digital Optical measurement device to record Condylar Pathway , analyze & track the jaw movement in 2D & 3D
Dimensions . It is High End German Product that is being sold by either distributers or by OEM

3-There are multiple tracking systems in the market ..However away from different technical details & specs , Zebris has the advantage of getting Medical Class II Certificate 

What JMA Optic by Zebris Co. will provide me ?

1-Capture, assess and control the existing function movement traces of the condyles
2-freedom of movement of the condyles
3-Expression of the anterior canine guidance
4-Type and quality of chewing movement (mastication)
5-Recording, assessing and evaluating pathologies
6-Position of the condyles relative to the bony structures
7-Condyle positions to the habitual final bite clearly localizable and assessable
8-Occlusal contact situation in quality, quantity and frequency

1-TMJ Screening/TMJ disorders
2-Restriction of the temporomandibular joint movement
3-Deviations from standard movements
4-Recognition and interpretation of atrophied structures
5-Recognizing and Interpreting disc position and state
6-Change of position of condyles depending on occlusive contact situations

-Supports medical specialties: Dental technician; Orthodontics; Ear, nose and throat specialist; Orthopedist; Psychologist; Speech therapist; Physiotherapist; orthognathic surgery, maxillofacial surgery; MRI/CT/CBCT – examination

1-Setting values of fully adjustable articulators
2-Unlimited recording of dynamic occlusal contacts
3-All specifications of splints can be determined and verified
4-Determination and transfer of the centric relation
5-Determination and transfer of the vertical dimension of occlusion
6-Individual splint

When it comes to the ROI of the zebris occlusion device, Dentists have to understand that jma optic jaw tracking system increase the accuracy of diagnostic imaging procedures which result in less chair time in adjusting restorations.This can lead to more efficient and effective treatments specially functionally guided treatment modalities like orthodontic or TMJ diseased cases.

In conclusion, the zebris JMA Optic is a game-changer in the field of digital dentistry, providing dental professionals with a powerful tool to improve patient care and outcomes. Its advanced motion tracking technology, ease of use, and positive ROI and user-friendly software make it an essential tool for dental professionals looking to take their practice to the next level.To be honest the only cons I see for this technology is its still high pricy for average clinics who depend on insurance companies.

This Article was being written by 
Dr Haitham Sharshar 
exocad Certified Trainer 
Co-Founder of DDS                                                       


Some External Links


1] “For manufacturing individual prosthesis and occlusal splints, the zebris JMA jaw registration systems record all degrees of the lower jaws mobility contact-free. The measuring range comprises all necessary parameters for the adjustment of mechanical and virtual articulators. Thus, it seamlessly integrates in the workflow of digital dental …”

[2] “More exact, more comfortable and wireless: The new Tizian JMA Optic by zebris system Schütz Dental presents a new dimension in jaw registration. With the new Tizian JMA Optic by zebris, Schütz Dental provides a new dimension in digital functional dentistry. The latest optical sensor technology as well as the patients comfort take center …”

[4] “Mandibular motion was recorded using jaw motion analyzer (JMA) from Zebris, (GmBbH) and the software provided (WinJaw) . The device allows recording mandibular position and movements. …”

[5] “The JMA Optic – precise, safe, fast and economic! The JMA Optic System is based upon the latest optical sensor technology and thus, it is the latest development in the field of functional dentistry. Your benefits: Safe prosthetics; Forensic backstop; Documentation; Additional profits; Happy patients; Digital image for your dental clinic”

[6] “Download scientific diagram | Jaw Motion Analyzer System (JMA-Zebris Medizintechnik, Isny/Allgäu, Germany) in position on the face to measure the amplitude of mandibular movements. 

[7] “The Jaw Motion Import module allows you to import jaw movement registration data from external devices such as the JMA system from Zebris, Proaxis from Prosystom, and Modjaw. The add-on module works in combination with the Virtual Articulator module. For experts: combine with Model Creator to create innovative, semi-dynamic physical models.”

[8] “zebris JMA Optic system —– zebris JMA(Jaw Motion Analyzer) Optic system is a digital jaw analysis and registration system, part of our complete digital workflow. The zebris JMA Optic system performs fully digital jaw measurements in patients with (CMD) pain complaints. The zebris JMA Optic system accurately, safely and reliably…”

[9] “Scopri JMAoptic zebris Medical e le sue applicazioni: Diagnostica, condilografia, assiografia, piani di riferimento, riposizionamento mandibolare,…”

[10] “Function at your finger tips. Zebris for Ceramill can be used as a digital facebow, but offers numerous other functions in addition. Thus the JMA Optic system forms the basis for virtually any indication – from single restorations to scanning model- free with an intraoral scanner as well as large-span restorations or splints. The automatic …”

[11] “The JMA Optic – precise, safe, fast and economic! The JMA Optic System is based upon the latest optical sensor technology and thus, it is the latest development in the field of functional dentistry. Your benefits: Safe prosthetics; Forensic backstop; Documentation; Additional profits; Happy patients; Digital image for your dental clinic”

[12] “AccessGUDID – JMA Optic (B915011700100)- Opto-Electronik Face-Bow for monitoring and tracking of lower jaw movements . Skip to Main Content; … Company Name: zebris MEDICAL GmbH Primary DI Number: B915011700100 Issuing Agency: HIBCC Commercial Distribution End Date: Device …”

[13] “The JMA is an ultrasonic motion capture device ( Figure 1) that is comprised of an ultrasound emitter array that is bonded to the labial surfaces of the mandibular teeth using a jig customized …”

[14] “Download scientific diagram | Graphic recording (Zebris JMA) of movement of mandibular heads and incisal point, after 3 months of muscle training: A – range of motion of both heads of the …”

[15] “AccessGUDID – JMA Optic (B915015700101)- Opto-Electronik System including Face-Bow for monitoring and tracking of lower jaw movements and accessories. Skip to Main Content; … Company Name: zebris MEDICAL GmbH Primary DI Number: B915015700101 Issuing Agency: HIBCC Commercial Distribution End Date: …”

[16] “The use of devices for quantitatively measuring mandibular motion has recently become more common in scientific and clinical use. Often, the goal has been to provide an objective basis for diagnosing musculoskeletal di … Jaw tracking devices–historical review of methods development. Part I Stomatologija. 2005;7(3):67-71. Authors Una …”

[17] “Zebris Jaw Movement Analyser+ (JMA) Optic System. When dentists are looking for the cutting edge techniques of diagnosing TMJ the Zebris JMA+ is the ideal jaw registration system which will record all degrees of the Lower Jaws ability for movement in a contact free method. With the Optic System you have access to the latest generation of …”
